Booth 525
Software (Billing/EHR)
Phone: 888-680-5711
Visit the SAMMY SYSTEMS website

ICS Software has been offering the best software and support in the podiatry community for 30 years. From the very quick and adaptable SamnotesDPM that now features an exceptional note-to-bill solution and PQRS integration, to a time-tested practice management program that is first-rate in its ability to maintain and increase practice income, it’s easy to see why SammyEHR is the top podiatry EHR in the Northeast. While most providers scramble to decrypt incomprehensible government legislation for PQRS and Meaningful Use, ICS Software has already cracked the code and has forwarded the information in plain English to its customers. ICS also offers ICD-10 decoding software (ICD-10 America) for free to all of podiatry and has emerged as an affordable registry for both PQRS submission and Meaningful Use requirements.