APMA Mission Statement

Mission Statement

APMA advances and advocates for the specialty of podiatric medicine and surgery for the benefit of its members and the health of the public.

APMA's Vision

To ensure that podiatric physicians and surgeons are universally recognized as the essential providers of foot and ankle care.

Strategic Goals

  • ADVOCATE on behalf of DPMs in furtherance of parity with MDs and DOs in public and private health-care delivery systems, to allow DPMs to practice to the fullest extent of their education and training, and to improve timely patient access to foot and ankle care provided by DPMs.
  • EDUCATE members, consumers, and the health-care community.
  • RESEARCH through the completion of effective clinical and socioeconomic outcomes studies.
  • LEAD through the development of future leaders, exceptional membership engagement, and effective governance.
  • MANAGE through outstanding sustainability of financial, operational, and member recruitment efforts.

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